Monday, July 6, 2009

vitamins hair loss

vitamins hair loss

hair growth and sometimes reproduction. The body needs to be able to digest the foods it takes in so that it can be used in various ways.

There are six basic types of nutrients and two basic non-nutrients found in food. The six nutrients are carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements; the two non-nutrients are fibre and water. Generally speaking most foods contain several nutrients, in varying amounts. Carrots, for instance, contain a little protein, a trace of fat, some carbohydrate, a good deal of water, a little sugar, fibre, and a selection of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, C and E, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, etc. We need a combination of all the above nutrients to maintain a normal and healthy body.
Vitamins for Hair Loss

The Need for Hair Growth Vitamins

It is well known that vitamins are absolutely essential for the health of an individual but it is a lesser known fact that proper intake of the same can actually prevent hair loss and even encourages hair growth. The vitamins help by stopping the further production of di-hydro testosterone also known as DHT. The vitamins are known to repair the wasted hair follicles and promote the growth of hair. The vitamins are also instrumental in nourishing and healing the scalp.
Reasons for Hair Loss

There can be numerous reasons for hair loss. These include prolonged illness, genetic conditions, stressful life, and hormonal imbalances. Earlier hair loss was often associated with old age but nowadays lifestyle changes have resulted in people losing hair very early in life. It is possible that the hair is not getting enough nutrients and is hugely deficient in essential hair growth vitamins. Most of the problems stem from lack of nutrition. A diet rich in essential hair loss vitamins helps in healthy growth of hair.
Essential Vitamins for Hair Loss


This belongs to the vitamin B group. It is a chemical that is required for the healthy muscles, kidney, liver, hair and the brain. When this vitamin is added to the diet of a person, it is shown to have remarkable effects in that it has been found to be effective in controlling hair loss and preventing baldness.

Vitamin C

This is one of the most important hair loss vitamins. Regular intake of this vitamin increases blood circulation in the scalp and also makes sure that the follicles get good supply of rich nutrients.


This is also called Vitamin H. This belongs to the B complex family. This vitamin has been proved to have miraculous results and promotes hair growth and also prevents excessive hair loss. This vitamin can be found in the yolk of eggs, milk, kidney, yeast and liver.


Taking zinc supplements would naturally lead to hair growth. A lack of zinc in the diet often leads to a host of scalp problems which gets back to normal when the vitamin is included again in the diet. It also prevents the hair from turning grey. Zinc can be obtained in ample quantities from wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, shrimps, egg yolks and mussels.


It is another essential hair growth vitamin. It is extremely important that protein be included in the diet. This is the major ingredient present in the shampoos and hair care products. Increasing the intake of protein has shown to have remarkable effects on preventing hair loss.

Vitamin E

This is extremely beneficial to arrest the loss of hair. It has also been shown to prevent the ageing of hair. The vitamin can be had in large measures from Soya beans, spinach, sprouts, Soya beans and the eggs.


This vitamin is very useful to stop the loss of hair. It can be obtained from yeast, wheat germ, egg yolk and liver.

Pantothenic acid

This is one of the extremely important hair loss vitamins to control hair loss. This prevents the follicles from being wasted away and encourages hair growth. This nutrient can be obtained from whole grains, potatoes, milk and kidney.

Cider Vinegar

When the loss of hair is due to poor metabolism, this vitamin should be taken to combat it. Including it in the diet stops loss of hair and also promotes further growth.

These vitamins for hair loss should be taken as directed and never more than prescribed. It might take a few months for the results to show. It will not happen overnight and more often than not it requires a lot of time and patience before any results can be shown. Besides the intake of medicines the external treatment given to the hair should also be taken into account. Regular scalp massages and proper cleansing with good quality products help in controlling the loss of hair. A proper lifestyle with healthy eating habits and exercises go a long way in combating hair loss.
vitamins hair loss

how to stop hair loss

how to stop hair loss

Your hair loss sounds as if it is the type known as male pattern baldness (i.e. receding hairline and a bald patch developing). In men, this is linked to me male hormones, androgens. In women, it is unclear whether hormones do play a part. It is often an inherited tendency, especially in women.

The most practical solution to hair loss is to take the oral contraceptive pill, Dianette, which blocks the male hormones (androgens) and so can help prevent further hair loss. If you cannot take the pill for some reason (e.g. because you have had a thrombosis) or you prefer not to, you could try minoxidil (Regaine) lotion, available over the counter. You have to keep using it or any hair regrowth tends to fall out again, which can prove very expensive.

I am a 30 year old guy. I am having problem with my hair. at my early age now, my hair starting to ge bald. I have a crown on top of my head and hair line is getting high. what can i do to prevent and stop my hair to fall & can you send me so photo of hair style that I can use to look better even i have this problem. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.. Have a nice day! [Randy Reys 22-sep-2007]

I am loosing my hairs and becomming bald what is the best medicine to bring it back [ Piroz Eslam 05-Oct-2007]
I am very disturbed dur to hair loss. I am 20 year male from Afghanistan but live in pakistan Peshawar I am computer operater.Please tell me what i do if i stop my falling,loss hair.Please tell me which natural food etc to avoid hair loss [ Qudratullah 11-Oct-2007]

Many of us face the problem of hair loss, due to many reasons such as not having proper diet, the external surroundings, pollutions etc. So we need to take a lot of care for preventing hair loss, & so let us see how to stop hair loss. First let us see what is the normal hair growth & hair loss cycle. The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 6 years. Each hair grows around just a centimeter, which is less than half an inch, per month during this phase of 2 to 6 years. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing, and the remaining 10 percent of the hair on your scalp is in a resting phase. Then after around 3 months, the resting hair falls out & then new hair starts to grow in its place. It is actually normal to shed some hair each day as a part of this cycle.

However, some people do experience a much excessive hair loss, which can affect everyone ie men, women and children.
There are various reasons which can cause excessive hair loss. It can be after about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery or operation you have had, that time you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is because of the stress after the illness & is temporary. Hormonal problems are one of the reasons; you may lose a lot of hair if your thyroid gland is overactive or under-active. This can usually be prevented by treatment of the thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones are also out of balance, & correcting the hormonal imbalance may prevent you from facing hair loss. Also, many women, just 2 to 3 months after they have delivered a baby, notice hair loss, which is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, there are high levels of certain hormones which cause the body to keep hair intact especially the ones would normally fall out. But when the hormones return to normal levels, those hairs fall out & the normal cycle of growth & loss begins again.

There are some medicines as well which can cause hair loss. You can prevent this if you stop taking those medicines, but after consulting a doctor. Medicines that can cause this include blood thinners, also called anticoagulants, medicines for gout problems, medicines used in chemotherapy for cancer, excessive intake of vitamin A, birth control pills & even certain antidepressants. Certain infections like fungal infections of the scalp can also cause hair loss. These are easily treated with some antifungal medicines. Lastly, hair loss may also occur as part of a disease that you may be suffering, such as diabetes. It is important to find the cause so that it can be treated since hair loss is usually an early sign of a disease. I hope these above causesand tips will help you take care of your hair well, and prevent you from facing this major problem.

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